Circle Time

Everyone sit in a circle
Take a turn to speak when you are holding todays object
Wait patiently for your turn
Listen respectfully to what others have to say

Sentence starters

I want to say thank you to  _ _ _ for...
I want to say well done to _ _ _ for...
A problem I have had is ...
I want to say sorry to _ _ _ because...
A mistake I  made this week was ...
This week I was successful when...

I want to say well done to everyone who represented our school and took part in the zone cross country and the primary school duathlon this week.  Aria, Annabel, Fraser, Ellie

I also want to say thank you to everyone who has worked so well on their writing this week.  I especially want to thank the people who have been brave enough to share their ideas with the class:
Charles, Colin, Luke, Josh, Sarah D, Kate, Preston, Gracie, Ellie, Jessica, Ali and Cormac.  Have I missed anyone off the list?

This week was successful for me because I got to read so many people's stories.  I felt really proud of all the busy work going on in the class and the great original ideas that people were trying out with their writing.

PS.  Have a great weekend, but watch out for this creature if you go swimming at the beach!

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