Group Experiment Week 11

Week 11 Working Groups
Your challenge is to work together during our writing and reading time to work towards creating content to be added to your blog.

The computers and iPads will be shared evenly between the boys and  girls groups.

The Editors are in charge of how these resources are used.

You will need to organise your time, work together, check your work, share the computers.  Each blog posting must have some writing that explains the posting and your thinking about it.

What writing are you working on at the moment that could go on the blog?

What other ideas have you got for publishing on the blog this week?

Boys Blog
Editors – Charles, Rainer,
Sub editors – Preston, Fraser

Girls Blog
Editors –Tayler, Sarah D,
Sub editors – Annabel, Ellie

Computer helpers – Kate, Gracie, Angus, Sarah T

Everyone needs to try to complete one piece of written work and one other idea.  What will you try to do?

Writing Ideas
·       Poems and  stories
·       InstructionsExplain something
·       Cartoons Picture book
·       Speech
·       Report File of facts
Blog Ideas
Blog Content:
stories, cartoons, drawings, videos, photographs, puppet pals, videos, time-lapse, music, inventions, monsters, robots, pets, a group item that eveyone completes, report, sport, science, magic tricks, origami instructions, photograph and read a book, make a book come to life with puppet pals, 

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