
Journal Thinking

Use your sentence starters to make some notes about what you did, learnt or found out yesterday.

I have been thinking about...

I have been thinking about the number memory idea that Mr. Harrison showed us.  I was surprised how easy it was to remember the 10 items in the list and I'm starting to understand how to use these items to remember other things.

What is Jake the Peg?
Why was he at assembly yesterday?
Mr. Wiersma did this for a school talent quest a few years ago. Some teachers though it would be funny and make Mr. Wiersma smile.

Rights and Responsibilities Venn Diagram
Take 5 minutes to add more ideas of your own or share ideas with your friends.

Choose your top 5 (most important) rights, responsibilities and privileges.

Write these top 5 ideas on a slip of paper and stick them on the charts at the front of the room.


Thinking About My Week

Something I worked well on is...

I tried my best...

Something that was hard...

I enjoyed...

Someone who helped me this week was...

---- Class Pat on the back.


List 1 - A
Town or City
Musical Instrument
Book Title
Famous Person
Boys Name
Girls Name

List 2 - P
Something in the sky
A famous building
An ocean
An animal
A plant
A game
A toy
A famous place
An item of clothing
A medical problem
An item in the classroom

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