Famous Places

I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody.

What gets wet when drying?

What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

What is round as a dishpan, deep as a tub, and still the oceans couldn't fill it up?

Cast Iron Stomach: 
Someone who has no problems, complications or ill effects with eating anything or drinking anything.

What's the joke?

Where in the world?
Hemisphere?  Northern
Continent?  North America
Country?  USA
Place?  NEW YORK
What is it?  The Empire State Building

A Question I have is...

Empire State Building Facts
  • Location of Empire State Building– Midtown Manhattan, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
  • Height –1,454 feet ( exact measurement is 1453 feet and 8 inches. or 443 meters.
  • Designed by– Shreve, Lamb & Harmon
  • Contractors of Empire state building –Starrett Bros. & Eken
  • Excavation started on – January 22, 1930 and construction began on 17th march , 1930.
  • Total time needed to construct this building was approximately 410 days.
  • Total cost — 41 million US dollar at that time.
  • Total no of floor –102 floors.
  • Total steps in stair – 1860 steps from ground to top.
  • Total area of Empire State Building –80,000 (approx) square feet east-west 425 feet and north-south 188 feet
  • Total 73 elevators run at a speed of 600-1500 feet/minutes
  • This building has 55 feet under ground.
  • Total weight of this building is approx. — 365,000 tons.
  • Total No of windows -6600.
  • Antenna height -205 feet and total volume about– 37-38 million cubic feet
  • Total 57,000 tons of steel was used to construct this Empire State Building.
  • 17 million feets of telephone wire was used to connect entire building telephone system.

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