Morning Talks

Bring an artefact to school to tell us about.
You could bring:

  • a photograph
  • a toy
  • a found object
  • a natural object
  • an old thing
  • an invention
  • a gadget
  • a painting or art work you've created
  • something you made
  • a ticket or invitation
  • a special book
  • ...

Speak for 1 to 2 minutes about the thing you have brought.
You might answer some of these questions in your presentation:

  • what is the object?
  • how does it work?
  • what is it used for?
  • tell a story about the thing you have brought?
  • tell some history about the thing you have brought?
  • why did you bring this object?
  • why si this thing important to you?
  • where did you find it?
  • where did you get it?
  • how old is it?
  • who made it?
  • ...

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