Morning Talks

Room 4 Hall of Fame

Here are some of the things people have done for our morning talks this week.

Kate brought a photo book about a trip she made to Auckland.  She reported 
the things she did while she was there.

Sarah brought her cello. She explained how it worked and played for us!!!

Gracie brought her little sister and some photos. She told us stories about her sister.

Angus made ginger beer.  He explained how yeast puts the gas in the ginger beer.  He brought cups to share the beer with us.  Thank you Angus.

Jessica brought a favourite toy from her sixth birthday and some felted fabric that she had made. She explained how the fabric was made.

Ellie did this water colour of a bird.
She explained the steps she went through to create the picture.  I think she's got real talent.

Tayler showed us a papyrus from Egypt that her dad bought on his travels.  She explained how the papyrus was made.

Mr. Harrison brought this old police whistle.  He told us a story about how it belonged to his granddad.

Cormac brought two 100 year old old books to show us.  He explained how old they were.  He got Mr. Harrison to read some of the first page to show us how strange the words were.  It was english but very hard to understand.

Yea Rin had a special rock that she had picked up from a walk she did near the bottom of Mt Cook.  I think she wants to climb it!

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