Monday 31

Welcome back to school everyone

I hope you're not feeling like this guy!

or even like this...

Our first week back will mostly be about getting to know others in the class and getting our selves  organised with books and pencils so that we can do our best learning this year.

We will be using this blog to keep a record of our work and to comunicate news and information related to our topics.  During the year you will be encouraged to make comments and write contributions for the blog to tell stories about our learning.

To Do List
  • Introductions - Circle time - name, age, something from the holidays
  • Buddy venn diagram
  • Cooperative games
  • Whole class photo
  • individual photos
  • Name cards
  • My space - wall space design
  • Set up and start work book
  • Set up and start learning journal - personal collage - pictures and clippings
  • Co-create agreed class rules and expectations - post box
  • Shared reading
  • First writing
  • Maths games
  • Time capsule - personal box