Class Thinking

Student Thinking

Learning Journal Thinking Prompts

  • I learnt...
  • I've been learning to...
  • I discovered...
  • I found out...
  • I've improved at...
  • What I liked/enjoyed...
  • Something that was hard...

  • Grateful - something I'm grateful for is...
  • Learnt - something I learnt today is...
  • Promise - tomorrow I promise to...

Today / this week I worked hard on...
I know I worked hard because...

Something I want to improve at is...
I'll do this by...

Someone I've noticed who - shows respect / works hard / cooperates well is...
They do this by...


Think about how we use this blog
Think about being a news reader in the morning
Think about the notes and ideas you have put in your journal
Think about the video, photograph, topic, story, idea
Think about information and facts
Think about speaking, listening, cooperation, turn taking
Thinking about expectations and agreed class rules

What manners do we need to show to others?
Post your ideas into the post box.

Room 4 - Manners Results
Keep things tidy
Listen by looking
Hands up for questions and comments
Say sorry
Be friendly
Line up quietly
Say excuse me
Wait your turn
Look after other peoples things
Say please and thank you
Have a tidy desk
Use inside voices
Be on time and be ready
Wait your turn to speak
Stop look and listen
Pardon me
Be tidy and put things away where they belong
Keep your hands to yourself
Push chairs in
Hold the door open for someone
Shake hands
Speak clearly use kind words
Ask before you use it
Look after others 
Include others
Ask people to stop when they do things you don't like
Say well done
Please can I...
Keep our school clean and tidy
Let other people go first
Let others have a turn
Look at people when you are talking to them
Help others when their hand are full
Let others do their work
Clean up after yourself

If you could only have four of the ideas above which four would you choose?
Justify your thinking - give a reason - explain your thinking - persuade us.
I think this is important because...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is cool day yea man what up mr harson what are you dowing now saw bye i got to sleep bye its ali bye