Bully Behaviour

  • Watch this film and make a list of all the things  that would annoy you.
  • How many things did you notice?
  • What happened in the end?
  • If it was you in the film what would you have done to solve this problem?

Kia Kaha Video

What is the message in this video?
What have they done to get the message across?

Kia Kaha Video

Watch this short video.
What happens in this film?
What is it about?
How does the boy feel?
What happens in the end?
Who can make a difference?

Book Week

Next week is our school book week.
There will be a dress up day for you to come as a favourite book character and other events during the week.

Swimming Sports

Senior Swimming Sports on this Wednesday (29th February)
Remember your togs everyone.

Camp Date Change

Some how there has been a double booking for our Pudding Hill Camp.

Our Room 4 Camp will now be later in the term.

March 26, 27, and 28

A notice will go home this week.

Triathlon Stars

Well done to everyone who took part in the school triathlon today.  You all showed great DETERMINATION!

Survival Island

This learning is about:
Developing an understanding of how the Maori people felt about the settlement of Europeans in New Zealand and the creation of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840.

What We Did
Mr. Harrison told us a story and got us to imagine ourselves in the story.

We imagined that we were on a boat and that we had to abandon ship because it was sinking.

We got in a life boat and ended up on a lonely island in the middle of the ocean all by ourselves.

We made a map of our island and decided on the best place for a camp.

Here are our maps:

 Using sticks, stones and flax we invented our own tools.

After a few weeks of living on the island we discovered that we were not alone.
Someone else had been shipwrecked at the same time as us.

We formed a small tribe and:

  • Came up with a name for our tribe
  • Invented a flag
  • Made up some rules for our island life
  • Decided on a special place on the island
  • Created a way of greeting each other

We were happy on our island.  Thought of rescue had gone.

Then one day a boat arrived.  The Harrisons had come to settle on the island (not to rescue us).  The Harrisons destroyed our flag, gave us new rules to follow and showed us the correct way to greet people.

There was a lot of trouble.  Some people even wanted to fight to get rid of the Harrisons.

In the end some of the tribe agreed to sign a treaty to try and make peace with the Harrisons.

It was hard to read the Harris Treaty but many people signed it because they got paid $10 class dollars.
Some people didn't sign it because they said it was a trick.

Our Learning
What was this learning really about?
How did you feel when your land was invaded?
Was this fair?
Why wasn't it fair?

Working Together

Week 1 - Term 1 - 2012

We have been thinking about the things that are important for us to be able to work well together as a class this year.

We have been thinking about:

  • the MANNERS we need to use and show
  • how we are SAFE at school
  • the ways we COMMUNICATE with each other
  • what we need to do to be the best at LEARNING
We brainstormed our ideas and put them all together.

Mr. Harrison counted and listed all the different ideas and put the results into a WORDLE image.

In a WORDLE the biggest words are the ideas that came up the most often.

Here are the results of our thinking. (click to see a full screen image)

Make your own WORDLE.

Cooperation Activities

One of the most important things at school is being able to work with other people.

In our first week at school we have been doing a variety of activities to have fun and practice our cooperation skills with our new class mates.

Here are a few pictures and our comments about what we think cooperation is all about.

The Chair Race
Get all your team from A to B without touching the grass!

The Silent Jigsaw Puzzle
Work silently to solve the jigsaw puzzle.
You can only touch one piece of the puzzle at a time.

Three Legged Race
It's a race and you have to work together!
What's the best way of doing this?

Trust Circle
Close your eyes, stand still and be stiff in your body.
Trust that your team will catch you when you fall back!

Earth Ball
Balance the giant ball so that it doesn't fall!

Hold it still and climb on top.

What is cooperation?
Cooperation is...

  • when you listen to others ideas
  • happy, fun and joyful
  • you work together
  • about sharing ideas and tools
  • teamwork
  • being a good friend
  • working together to get the job done
  • being a proud team
  • about learning patience
  • taking turns
  • working in groups
  • listening
  • not giving up
  • trusting others
  • taking a risk
  • helping each other
  • asking for people to help you
  • combining ideas
  • we need to learn to cooperate because you get more done
  • there are lots of jobs were you have to cooperate with others