Poetry Competition

Our class poetry presentations are this Monday.

Have you learnt a poem to present?

Still haven't chosen a poem?

Try Giggle Poetry or Poetry4Kids or Fizzy Funny Poetry 

You need to focus on these elements for a great performance.
voice so that the audience can hear you
words so that the audience can understand the poem
not to fast and not too slow / wait if the audience laugh
Eye Contact
look at the audience as you speak
change the volume level and the pitch of your voice. Use a different voice for different parts of the poem
so you can say the poem without having to read it.
Make it a performance that will make people sit up and listen.  Grab their attention and entertain.  You can use props to help you to perform your poem and be in character.

Camp Photos on Web Album

Watch a short video of

Back From Camp

Lots of photos will be loaded on the web album tomorrow for you to share with your family.

We had an EXCELLENT camp.

Great weatherGreat activitiesExcellent manners from all studentsand the BEST parents ever!

Everything went really well thanks to the hard work of all parents who did something to help out:

  • making delicious food for our first night
  • making home baked cookies for our afternoon tea
  • buying food for people on special diets
  • driving us all to camp

a very special thank you to the parents who stayed on camp with us and made our time so much fun.

We loved it.

We will be writing some stories and drawing some pictures about our experiences.  Watch out for them on our Achievements Blog.

Watch this space...

THANK YOUFOR a Fanatic Camp.

Big Camp Reminder

Big Camp Reminder for Children
Highlight the important things for you

Our camp is this Monday 26th March
Be at school with all your gear by 8:30 am

Bring your manners, a positive attitude and be ready to give new things a go.

We might stop at Rakia Gorge on the way to camp so you must be wearing clothing and shoes that you can walk in.

Have your school bag ready with your morning tea, lunch and a full water bottle.  Also have your rain jacket, extra top, hat and gloves with you.

When you get to school
Put your main bag and sleeping bag on the deck outside Room 4.
(Josh, Luke, Preston and Buster will organise everyone to load the trailer together – wait for their signal)

Hand in your biscuits or home baking to Annabel and Aria.

We have two trailers.  We should have enough room for you to bring your bike.  If you want to bring a bicycle to camp you can.  Line them up by the scooter rack outside Room 4.  We will take as many as we can fit in.


You MUST bring these things to be checked by the teacher.
  • Thermals
  • Hat
  • Gloves
  • Warm woollen top or fleece
  • Rain jacket
  • Good walking shoes

Canterbury Schools Triathlon

Congratulations to all children who took part in the Schools Triathlon competition today.  It was a tough race.

You all showed great courage swimming in such cold water (18.5 Degrees C).


What is Bullying?

Bullying is when you act in a way that is unkind or disrespectful to another person.

It is possible that a single thoughtless action could be a mistake.

Repeated acts of disrespect towards others cannot be a mistake!

Here is a word map of the things that we think contribute to bullying behaviour. (click to enlarge)

Geology - Rock Formations

Take a look at these images and see if you notice the different rock layers.  
Can use see the folding patterns?
Can you see the different colours of the rock?

Search and Rescue

Today we learnt how to make a simple stretcher by using our clothing.

By sliding some poles into the arm holes of your jersey you can make an emergency stretcher to rescue an injured person.

Art Inspiration for Camp

Environmental Art Works by Andy Goldsworthy

All these art works are made form natural materials collected at the place where the art is created.

Wood, stones, leaves, flowers, ice, sand

Most of these art works are not made to last - they are made to slowly change and return to the environment by wind and water action.

Be inspired and create your own art on camp.

Ilam art last year.

Little Acts of Kindness

Sorry this is a bit late but these two people need to be thanked.

Gracie - Thank you for making biscuits and sharing them with us
Momoko - Thank you for making an origami gift for everyone in class

Learning Through Drama

We have been using drama to help us think about people's feelings and bullying situations.

First we built our understanding about The Elements of Drama and learnt to do a good freeze frame.

These are easy to remember:

Action - emotions and thoughts
Role - character
Time and Tension

(can you see the secret word?)

Check out our freeze frames
What emotions are people showing?
What do you think is happening?

Metamorphosis 2

Metamorphosis means to change from one form into another.

Many animals (especially insects) go through a metamorphosis when they change their body shape completely so that they can spread their species to new places.  

Some of these insects live the first part of their lives underwater and then become a flying insect.  Some begin their lives as worms or grubs and then change into flying bugs.

Watch this short video showing a monarch butterfly.


Watch this transformation.
On Friday we found a large Damselfly larvae in the water.
Watch how they change in this video clip.

Groynes Trip

Many thanks to all parents who helped out with transport to the Groynes on Friday.

We will be telling you more about what we found out in future postings.

Check out the photos on the web album.

Book Week

This week has been book week at school.

On Tuesday the teachers all visited different class rooms and read books around the school.

We had a visit form a professional story teller.  She had a monkey puppet in a bag and was very good at being a ventriloquist(doing the voice of the monkey).  We laughed a lot at the jokes and silly things the monkey did.

On Thursday we all dressed up as different book characters and in the afternoon parents and teachers read books all around the school.

Friday Trip to the Groynes

This Friday we are going for a visit to the Groynes to investigate a fresh water environment and the sorts of things that live there.

This visit is intended to start us thinking about different natural environments and the wide variety of plants and animals that live together in one place.

Here is a link to the city council page education page.

Passive Aggressive Assertive

Passive Aggressive Assertive

What do these words mean?
Which word goes with which picture?

Taking a Risk

Today someone asked what "taking a risk" meant.
Here is a short video to help your thinking.
The guy in this film takes a big risk.  Maybe too big.  You be the judge.

If you where on this surf board how would you feel?
Other than surfing skills what would you need to be able to do this?