Working Together

Watch these silhouette dance videos.

What did these people have to do to create these pictures?
Why am I showing you these films?

Watch closely to see if there are any sports in this silhouette dance performance.
Can we learn any lessons form these dancers?

Choose a Door

Open and Closed Questions

Look at the doors.
Choose one that you would like to go through.

Open or Closed Question?
Why did you choose that door?

Talk to your buddy and give 3 or more reasons for your choice.


Open and Closed Questions

Can you decide?

A CLOSED question will have a clear answer a piece of information or an answer like yes or no.

An OPEN question gives an opportunity to investigate explore and can have many answers.

CLOSED or OPEN - that is the Question

How many people in our class?
How many people in the world? 
How many sports in the Olympics?
What are the sports in the Olympics?
What was it like in Ancient Greek times?
What is the Olympic motto?
What is it like to be an Olympic athlete?
What gods did the Ancient Greeks have?
Why are the stories of Greek myths important to us?
Howe much does it cost to run the modern Olympic games?
Why do people want to go to the Olympics?

Listen Again

Listen to another soundscape.

Where are you?
How do you know where you are?
What are the key sounds that make you think that?

Discuss your thinking with your buddy.

PS.  Look at the question words I have used:
where, how, what

Soundscape Link

Observing with your EARS

Listen to the sound scape.  
Where are you?
Sound Scape Link 

How many different sound can you hear?

Count the sounds and say what they are.  Chat with your buddy.

We will show you the picture to see if you are right after you have talked.

We will turn off some sound to see if you can work out which sound is missing.

Did you guess?
The Beach

Did you here?
water, seagulls, children, a dog, a motor boat and a windsurfer.
What key sounds gave you the clue?

Observation Test

Watch this video and count all the things you spot that look odd or different.

Watch it a second time just to check you spotted everything.

Focused Conversation
Then talk with a buddy to check all the things you saw.

Expert Conversation
Talk again and try to explain what exactly changed about the things you noticed.

Extra Expert Understanding
Why have we been watching these observation videos and looking at optical illusions?  What has been the point of this?

Detective Observation Skills

Watch really carefully

Watch this short video and see if you can spot anything that changes?

Watch again.  As they film this short story 21 things are changed!

Watch again and see how many you can spot. 
(work with a buddy - make a list of what you notice)


Perspective has a number of meanings.

1. Perspective can be about the way we look at things. It can mean your point of view.

Take a few seconds to look silently at this picture.
Explain to a buddy what you see.

Take a fresh look at the same image up side down.
Now what do you see?

Here is another example.
Look - think - talk - explain (what you see and what changed)

2. Perspective is also about size, distance, near and far.

Which man is bigger?
What is happening here?

Ovservation Skills

When we look at something do we really notice all the details or do we just take a quick look and then move on?

Look again.
Anything funny?
Anything odd?
Talk with a buddy and explain what you can see here.

Can you clearly explain how this illusion has been created?

And what about this one?

Observation Skills

What do you see when you look at this picture.


Look again there is more than one image to see here.

Talk to a buddy about what you see.

Here is the same picture again in black and white.
Does it help you to see anything else?

Could you see : 
a young woman looking away
an old woman looking down
can you see both images?

Observation Skills

Do we always see everything that we think we see?

Do we miss things?

Do we always get the story right or do we sometimes make a mistake?

This video is a test of your observation and awareness.
Watch closely.

PS.  If you have seen this video keep quiet about it:-)

Tuesday 15 May

Remember to check out our CLASS ACHIEVEMENTS
You can make positive comments about other peoples work by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the shared entry.  You can add extra comments for your own work samples too.

G - Homework Ideas

Countries - Greece, Germany, Greenland, Ghana, 
Animals - Giraffe, alliGator, Gerbil, Goldfish
Games - make it and play it
Gravity - experiments, reading and fact finding
Growth and Germination
Great Grandparents
Green Things!

Week 4 Homework

Your Project - Something Beginning With G

  • You could make a model
  • Draw a picture or a Diagram
  • Do an Experiment and take Photos
  • Write a Report or a Story
  • You Choose
Here are some experiment examples - G for Growth

Closing a Pine Cone

Growing Mustard Seeds

G for Gravity Experiment

Circle Time

Everyone sit in a circle
Take a turn to speak when you are holding todays object
Wait patiently for your turn
Listen respectfully to what others have to say

Sentence starters

I want to say thank you to  _ _ _ for...
I want to say well done to _ _ _ for...
A problem I have had is ...
I want to say sorry to _ _ _ because...
A mistake I  made this week was ...
This week I was successful when...

I want to say well done to everyone who represented our school and took part in the zone cross country and the primary school duathlon this week.  Aria, Annabel, Fraser, Ellie

I also want to say thank you to everyone who has worked so well on their writing this week.  I especially want to thank the people who have been brave enough to share their ideas with the class:
Charles, Colin, Luke, Josh, Sarah D, Kate, Preston, Gracie, Ellie, Jessica, Ali and Cormac.  Have I missed anyone off the list?

This week was successful for me because I got to read so many people's stories.  I felt really proud of all the busy work going on in the class and the great original ideas that people were trying out with their writing.

PS.  Have a great weekend, but watch out for this creature if you go swimming at the beach!

True or False?

Is this a real animal or is it  a trick?

True = it's real
False = I think it's a trick

Justify your thinking - give a reason.
Why you you think it's a trick?
What makes you think that it's real?

Give a name to these creatures.
Why would you give them that name?
Identify special features.
What would this animal be good at and why?

Herbivore - Carnivore - Omnivore?

The Water Cycle

Understanding the water cycle is an important part of understanding how living things can survive all over the world.

Watch the video and count all the places where the water goes.
How many are there?

What is the word that we use to explain when the water is going up to the clouds?
It begins with e?
Can you explain what is happening?

Do you know the big word for rain, snow and hail?
It begins with p?

Always a Bigger Fish!

What does this cartoon show?
Do you think this really happens in nature?
What does the smallest fish eat?
Who eats the biggest fish?

Take a look at this then!

Energy Pyramids

Take a look at these energy pyramids.
This is a special diagram that shows something.
What do these pyramids show?

Talk with a buddy.  How many ideas have you got? 
2, 3 or even 4 different things are being shown - what are they?

Powelliphanta Snails

This video is a short film showing the 

Powelliphanta Snails 

This snail is native to New Zealand.  
It is not found in any other part of the world.

You will not believe this!
Watch what happens.
What does this tell you about this snail?

The Living World

Here are some photos showing our thinking about the connections and relationships between different parts of the living world.

Click to enlarge them.


Living World Vocabulary

Tomorrow we will do a brainstorm of the topic words that we have been using for our learning about the natural environment. Start thinking.

Photosynthesis Song

We have been finding out about the process of Photosynthesis.  

  • Watch these two video songs.
  • Which one do you like the most? Why?
  • Which one has the most information in it?
  • Which one is the most memorable? Why?