Olympic TV

Watch this short slide show to get some more ideas for our drama presentation at assembly.

Talk about your ideas.
Then do a quick practice of your presentation.
Remember the ELEMENTS of DRAMA

All Time Strongest

Who would win an all time strongest animal competition?

Before you watch the film make a prediction about the strongest creatures on the planet.  Who do you think?  Come up with five ideas.

If you think about size vs how many times their own weight they can lift - just who is the strongest?

Olympic Animals

How far could this frog jump if it was the same size as you?

Listen carefully to the information in the video to work out the answer.

Talk with a buddy about some other animals and the sports that they would be good at.

Which animals would be good at:
  • sprinting
  • long distance running
  • diving
  • high jump
  • weight lifting
  • rugby
  • hurdles
Try and explain why you think your animal would be good at a particular sport.

Try this one
True or False?


Well done on your excellent organisation for the Winter Sports Fun yesterday.

Yea Rin, Luke, Josh, Annabel, Aria, Kate plus extra helpers Ellie and Gracie.

  • What did you learn from doing this?
  • What went well?
  • What was hard?
  • What would you do differently?

Class members - can you give us some feedback too.

  • which activities do you think worked well? Why do you think that?
  • what was fun? Why?
  • what could have made it better?

Animal Olympics

If animals had an Olympic Games what sports would they do?

Watch this video then talk with your buddy.

Think of five different animals and the sports that they would be good at.

What sports would these animals be good at? Give a reason (justify your thinking).

meerkat, elephant, ants, cheetah

True or False?

I found this on youtube last night and thought you'd like to check out these old Olympic Sports.

What do you think.

True or False?
Were these sports really in the Olympics?

What rules should we have about including or not including a sport?

Which of these sports should we still have?  Why? Why not?

Which of these sports shouldn't we have?  Why? Why not?

The Olympic Dream

For one man this race does not go as planned, but he still competes and completes the race.

What words come to mind that best describe the qualities of this athlete?

What qualities is he showing?


Look at these pictures and decide what title you would give to each image.

Your grouping title should identify a way of classifying (grouping) these things.



Bugs or Insects


Use this thinking to write the introduction to a report
What is the Olympics?
Write three or four sentences to say what the Olympics is.  Think about: who, what, when, why

Spot the Difference

Look at these two pictures of world champion cyclists.

How many differences can you spot between these pictures?

Can you guess how old this first picture is?

From the picture 
what changes have there been in cycling in this time?

Have these developments also changed the sport?

Just for Fun

What's funny about these Olympic Pictures?

What's the joke?
What is really happening? (explain)
Are these pictures TRUE or FALSE

The First Modern Olympics

The First Modern Olympics: Athens, 1896
The birth of the modern Olympic Games

by John Gettings

"I hereby proclaim the opening of the first International Olympic Games at Athens." With these words on April 6, 1896, King George I of Greece welcomed the crowd that had gathered in the newly reconstructed Panathenean Stadium to the modern-day Olympic Summer Games.

The event was the idea of Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France who traveled the world to gather support for his dream to have nations come together and overcome national disputes, all in the name of sport.

If not for the generous private donations of Greek businessmen like George Averoff, these first Olympics might have been moved to Budapest, Hungary. 

Averoff generously offered to pay for the reconstruction of Athens' Panathenean Stadium which had been built in 330 B.C.E. This left the Greek government with enough money to build a venue for the shooting competition and a pier for the swimming events.

The program for the Games included track and field, fencing, weightlifting, rifle and pistol shooting, tennis, cycling, swimming, gymnastics, and wrestling. Although 14 nations participated, most of the athletes were Greek.

The Games reached their high point on Day 11 with the first modern-day marathon. The idea to hold an event to commemorate the Ancient Olympic games was suggested by a friend of de Coubertin and was met with great anticipation. The race was run from Marathon to Athens (estimated at 22–26 miles), watched by more than 100,000 people and won by a Greek runner, Spiridon Louis.

From the moment Louis entered the stadium for the final leg of the race the home crowd roared with pride. The thrill and excitement reverberated through to the Games' finale-the ceremonial march of nations.

De Coubertin was pleased with the first games and stressed to organizers the importance of moving the Games all around the world. This was disappointing to Athens, which wanted to be a permanent host, but set into motion the international festival we know today as the Olympic Summer Games.

Let's Remember Manners

Are manners important?



Do you show respect?

Snow Flakes

As water freezes to make snow - tiny water crystals grow to make a unique pattern.

They say that no two snow flakes are the same.

Take a look at this video and see what you think.

Were any of these patterns the same?
What basic shape did you notice?
What do you think unique means?

Is it possible that no two snow flakes are the same?
Why do you think that?

Olympic Flame

Watch this short video showing the Olympic flame being lit.

Make notes in your head. (Observation Skills - looking and listening)
Try and notice five things in this video to talk about with a buddy.

As you watch think about...
Who?  What?  Where?  Why?  When?  How?