Fraser's Idea

Yesterday Fraser had an idea


what is it?

He said he wanted to nominate Mr Weirsma for the TVNZ good sort.

Agree or Disagree

If we want to do this we'll have to act quickly - 

like do something today because he is leaving at the end of week one next term!

How can we do this?
Do we phone them?
How do we contact the TV people?

What could we say about him to persuade TVNZ to come and make a film about him?

What he does
How he helps people
If it wasn't for him there'd be no
Mr Weirsma is the ....


We were talking about Antartica and the southern lights
and the starts and ... watch this film!

Values - Honesty

The current values group focus is Honesty.

Let's make a short film about honesty to show at assembly on Thursday.

Let's make a time-lapse like the cooperation film we made.

Step 1.
Write the title HONESTY in the middle of the page
add lines
then colour the page from the middle out
as you take turn to create this
finish these sentence starters in your journal

Step 2.

  • Honesty is...
  • When people are honest it...
  • People who are honest... (make get)
  • It's better to be honest because...
  • Honesty makes people feel...

  • Dishonesty is...
  • Dishonesty makes people feel...
  • Dishonesty can cause...
  • In the end dishonesty will...
Step 3. 

If we take a photo of the finished artwork
and use it as the back ground for a puppet pals video,
we can add comments and ideas
as well as text to tell what honesty is.
Step 4.
Then to finish we can put the films together using imovie.
Step 5.
Someone might even be smart enough to think of a poem or song that they could make using Garageband!

Group Experiment Week 11

Week 11 Working Groups
Your challenge is to work together during our writing and reading time to work towards creating content to be added to your blog.

The computers and iPads will be shared evenly between the boys and  girls groups.

The Editors are in charge of how these resources are used.

You will need to organise your time, work together, check your work, share the computers.  Each blog posting must have some writing that explains the posting and your thinking about it.

What writing are you working on at the moment that could go on the blog?

What other ideas have you got for publishing on the blog this week?

Boys Blog
Editors – Charles, Rainer,
Sub editors – Preston, Fraser

Girls Blog
Editors –Tayler, Sarah D,
Sub editors – Annabel, Ellie

Computer helpers – Kate, Gracie, Angus, Sarah T

Everyone needs to try to complete one piece of written work and one other idea.  What will you try to do?

Writing Ideas
·       Poems and  stories
·       InstructionsExplain something
·       Cartoons Picture book
·       Speech
·       Report File of facts
Blog Ideas
Blog Content:
stories, cartoons, drawings, videos, photographs, puppet pals, videos, time-lapse, music, inventions, monsters, robots, pets, a group item that eveyone completes, report, sport, science, magic tricks, origami instructions, photograph and read a book, make a book come to life with puppet pals, 

Initiative and Responsiblilty

Circle Time

What is initiative?

What is responsibility?

Think of some examples of when you showed initiative recently.

Think of some examples of when you showed responsibility recently.

Go to our web album and check out some of the Olympic photos from Tuesday.

Olympics Day

What did you enjoy?
What was difficult?
What did you work hard at?
What would you like to get better at?
Who helped you?
Who was  a good leader?
What did you learn?

Monday 17th September

Caption Competition - Make a sketch in your journal and add some ideas
What are they saying?
What are they thinking?
What do they want to do?

Plan Your Week
Write down the things that you know you need to finish from:

  • your contract
  • descriptive writing
  • own writing project
  • technology work
  • journal

Write down what it is that you need to do.
If you need help with something write down two people that can help you.

What is Technology?

Talking Groups - 2 girls and 2 boys

Use an object so that you can easily take turns to talk and listen to each other.

60 second brainstorms - count how many things you list

What is technology?

1. List as many items as you can from your house

2. List as many forms of transport as you can

3. How many types of technology can you think of?

4. List some things that technology helps us to do

Sentence Starters
Technology is...Technology helps us to...
Technology has given us...
Technology means we can...
With technology people can..
Technology works by...
Technology is made by...

Good Bye Aria

Morning Journal

Yesterday I worked well on...
I'm pleased with myself because...
Someone who worked well yesterday was...
Someone who helped me (helped others) was...

Aria is leaving to live in Australia.

Choose a sentence starter  to write some comments for Aria.

  • I'll remember you for...
  • Thank you for...
  • You are so good at...
  • You work hard at...
  • Good friend of'
  • Favourite saying is...
  • Favourite food, TV show, 
  • Best friends with...
  • Makes me laugh when...
  • Best knowns for...

Post each of your ideas into the post box
We'll use these comments to create a good bye message for Aria

What is Technology

Learning Journal

  • Something I worked well on yesterday was...
  • Something I thought about - learnt - discovered
  • Something I need help with is...
  • Today I'm going to finish...

Talking Groups - 2 girls + 2 boys

Choose a talking object for easy turn taking.
Pass the object so that everyone has a turn to speak on the topic.
Choose one person to present your ideas to the class.

What is technology?
Take a look at these pictures
Think about the question
Talk as a group

What is technology?

Things - Define - Ideas - Examples of

Describe - Classification -Types of Things

Sentence Starters

Technology is...

A ---------------- now that's technology
A person-----------
Technology works by...
Technology is made by...