Survival Island

This learning is about:
Developing an understanding of how the Maori people felt about the settlement of Europeans in New Zealand and the creation of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840.

What We Did
Mr. Harrison told us a story and got us to imagine ourselves in the story.

We imagined that we were on a boat and that we had to abandon ship because it was sinking.

We got in a life boat and ended up on a lonely island in the middle of the ocean all by ourselves.

We made a map of our island and decided on the best place for a camp.

Here are our maps:

 Using sticks, stones and flax we invented our own tools.

After a few weeks of living on the island we discovered that we were not alone.
Someone else had been shipwrecked at the same time as us.

We formed a small tribe and:

  • Came up with a name for our tribe
  • Invented a flag
  • Made up some rules for our island life
  • Decided on a special place on the island
  • Created a way of greeting each other

We were happy on our island.  Thought of rescue had gone.

Then one day a boat arrived.  The Harrisons had come to settle on the island (not to rescue us).  The Harrisons destroyed our flag, gave us new rules to follow and showed us the correct way to greet people.

There was a lot of trouble.  Some people even wanted to fight to get rid of the Harrisons.

In the end some of the tribe agreed to sign a treaty to try and make peace with the Harrisons.

It was hard to read the Harris Treaty but many people signed it because they got paid $10 class dollars.
Some people didn't sign it because they said it was a trick.

Our Learning
What was this learning really about?
How did you feel when your land was invaded?
Was this fair?
Why wasn't it fair?


blogmaster said...

how did you feel when your land was invaded? very angry and anoyed and wondering why they invaded my land. this is my brother acount i am useing. kate

Anonymous said...

I am angry because we were here first.Treaty of Waitangi.

Anonymous said...

This is a great way to understand the Treaty of Waitangi. Jessica's sister,Kathryn.