Understanding the Message

Look at these sports shoe adverts

Whats's the message?

The words and the pictures are used to communicate a idea

What idea are these adverts trying to communicate?



Try these sentence starters to help you think of a slogan

As __________ as a________________

Faster than a....

More bounce than a.......

Jump higher than...

What are some of the important features of your shoe?

Grip?  Comfort?  Weight?


Journal Writing - My Weekend

Something I did...
Something I liked...
Something I didn't like...
Something that was hard...

PMI Television

Morning Learning Journal

Use your sentence starters to review something about your day yesterday.

I learnt...
I found out...
I liked it when...
Something hard...
Today I will...

John Logie Baird demonstrated the first working television in February 1924

How long ago is that!

These days most people have at least one television in their home.

So what are the plus, minus and interesting points for have television?

This is a thinking tool that helps us to think about a topic in a different way. 

Create a page in your learning journal to do a PMI on TV

5 minutes own thinking - then share ideas with a buddy.

There are good programmes that teach you about the world

I like to watch

Most people have a TV at home

some people have lots of televisions in their home

We have had tv for_____ years

Some programmes are...

Thinking Tools

Desk Move

Group of 4  in the same desk locations as last week
This week you choose!
Criteria - 2 boys and 2 girls per group.
Desks moved by 9am.

This is a thinking tool that helps us to think about the Plus - Minus - Interesting ideas about lots of different topics.

Did you have a good long weekend?

Create a page in your learning journal to consider (think about) the Plus - Minus - Interesting points for the long weekend.

5 minutes own thinking - then share ideas with a buddy.


Journal Thinking

Use your sentence starters to make some notes about what you did, learnt or found out yesterday.

I have been thinking about...

I have been thinking about the number memory idea that Mr. Harrison showed us.  I was surprised how easy it was to remember the 10 items in the list and I'm starting to understand how to use these items to remember other things.

What is Jake the Peg?
Why was he at assembly yesterday?
Mr. Wiersma did this for a school talent quest a few years ago. Some teachers though it would be funny and make Mr. Wiersma smile.

Rights and Responsibilities Venn Diagram
Take 5 minutes to add more ideas of your own or share ideas with your friends.

Choose your top 5 (most important) rights, responsibilities and privileges.

Write these top 5 ideas on a slip of paper and stick them on the charts at the front of the room.


Thinking About My Week

Something I worked well on is...

I tried my best...

Something that was hard...

I enjoyed...

Someone who helped me this week was...

---- Class Pat on the back.


List 1 - A
Town or City
Musical Instrument
Book Title
Famous Person
Boys Name
Girls Name

List 2 - P
Something in the sky
A famous building
An ocean
An animal
A plant
A game
A toy
A famous place
An item of clothing
A medical problem
An item in the classroom

Morning Journal

Thinking About My Learning

Yesterday I found out...

Yesterday I found out about a way to plan my ideas for writing and how to organise them into paragraphs using numbers and colours.

Venn  Diagrams are a Thinking Tool for sorting out ideas into groups.

Rights and Responsibilities - Privileges
more ideas for you to consider:

tidy desk, school to go to, ask questions, get help, ask for help, help others, have books, use computers, play games, choose where I sit, choose my own project, have clean clothes, have breakfast, eat my lunch, have friends, be included in activities, include others in activities, choose to work on my own, choose to work with others, to be listened to, to listen to other people, to wait my turn, to share things

Morning Journal

Think back about your day yesterday.

Use two sentence starters from your list to help you get stared with your thinking.


Yesterday I learn how to sprint faster.  I found out that your arms move at the same speed as your legs.  By making your arms go faster as you run it is possible to sprint faster.

Rights and Responsibilities

What Rights and Responsibilities do we have at school?

Here's a list of ideas to get you started.
You need to decide which one is a Right and wich one is a Responsibility?

tools  ready, be on time, have fun, choices, show manners, be safe, be on task, time to play, be treated fairly, treat people fairly

What could we put in the middle of the diagram?

Venn Diagrams

Thinking Tools - Venn Diagrams
Complete your side of the venn diagram.
What could go in the other spaces?
Could you put things outside the circle?
What would they be?

Venn diagrams are a good way to compare what is the same and different about two or three things.
Use this thinking tool to review your holidays and then talk with others to find out what they did.
Use pictures and words to record your thinking.

Welcome Back

Review and Reminders

  • Personal Responsibility
  • What am I responsible for at school?

Rights Responsibilities and Privileges

  • What are my rights? 
  • How do I show that I'm responsible?
  • What privileges do I earn or loose?

Thinking Tools - Venn Diagrams

Venn diagrams are a good way to compare what is the same and different about two or three things.
Use this thinking tool to review your holidays and then talk with others to find out what they did.
Use pictures and words to record your thinking.