Friday 31st August

Thinking - Opinions
Agree or Disagree

Think of the reasons why you Agree or Disagree - be ready to say what you think.

Play Station, XBox and other computer games are bad because people who play them are less fit and more violent.

Whats's your opinion?

Technology News - Note Taking

The Light Bulb - Use a page in your journal to make some notes about the lightbulb - listen carefully

Friday Journal Thinking

Sentence starters
One, two, three things I worked well on this week were...

One, two, three things I learnt (learnt to do) this week include...

An idea I've had for a project is...
iPad, writing, building, technology, art, game

Next week I'm going to work hard on...

Something I need to get better at is...

Thursday 30th August

Our stories have landed!

Check out our writing by going to our Achievements Blog and clicking on one of our eBooks.

Give us some feedback by adding a comment at the bottom of the posting.

Journal Thinking

Yesterday I did my best...
Something that was hard was...
Something I need to work harder on is...

What's your opinion?

Girls are better than boys!

Agree or Disagree?

Why do you think that?  What reasons can you give?

Thinking and Opinions

Journal Writing - 5 minutes

Something I did well yesterday was...

Something I learnt - thought about - an idea I had was...

What's your OPINION?

The Paralympics are just about to begin in London, but we haven't heard much about them on TV!

  • Is that right?
  • Is it fair?
  • What do you think?
  • Are the Paralympics important or not important?
  • Should we be interested?
  • I bet they'll make the news if we win a medal!
  • They don't do as much training, they're not as fit!

Don't you know?
Can someone explain what the Paralympics are?

Olympic Review

Here are the two videos we made today showing our thinking about our Olympics learning.

What do you think now?

Make a comment at the bottom of the blog posting

NB.  The boys and girls groups both started with the same outline plan and then added items, pictures, words and ideas of their own.

Watch closely and you might notice a little runner going across the page!

Now start thinking!
You've worked with this process twice now.
What ideas are you starting to get about how you could use this process to show your ideas, learning and thinking?

Weekend Review

Circle Time

  1. Sit in a circle on the mat
  2. One person speaks at a time
  3. Wait your turn - be patient

  • Something I did at the weekend (include some details)
  • Something I learnt - thought about - found out about

Cooperation Video

Everyone in the class contributed to this time-lapse film

Questions about this project

What did we need to do to be able to create this film?

What where the steps we went through?
(What was the process we used?)

What worked well?

What didn't work?

What would you do differently next time?

First Comic

Well done Preston
Preston made this comic using the iPad

How do you do this?

Step 1. Copy pictures from the internet and save them in the iPad photo collection
Step 2. Open up the iPad Comic application
Step 3. Select a comic layout and import the photos
Step 4. Add speech bubbles and dialoge
Step 5. Remember to save your comic before you close

What ideas do you have for a comic?
Yes you can import any pictures and make a comic with them
Yes you could make multiple pages and then create an eBook
Yes you can change the style of the picture so that photos look more like a comic book

Let's Brianstorm some ideas and I'll add them here.


Olympic Stop Motion video

Learning Journal

Something I did yesterday was...

What I learnt from this was...

Today I'm planning to...

I'm so skeptical of anything my dad says these days, he's always playing tricks on me.  

The other day he said that goldfish only have a three second memory and that's why they don't mind being in a small round fish bowl.  The goldfish swims around the bowl and by the time it gets back to the same spot, three seconds have passed. "I haven't been here before," the goldfish thinks.

I don't believe what he says anymore.  At the weekend I was making a face about not eating some cabbage and then he says, "don't pull your face for too long or the wind will change and then you'll be stuck looking like that!"

He said that he'd met an alien and that he'd  been for a ride in a UFO.  I'm so skeptical of my dad.  He said I was so skeptical that I might need to get my eyes checked to see if I needed to have skepticals.  What are are skepticals?

Use the brainstorm ideas to create a poem or another piece of writing about something you don't believe.  Give a reason or explain why.

Skeptical and Perplexed

Writing starters for a speed writing project
Write your ideas and post then in the post box

What do you believe or not believe?
What puzzles you about learning, about the world?

I'm skeptical about a lot of things.  
I don't just believe what people say. 
I think for myself,
I look at the evidence and make up my own mind about things.
What about you?
Are you a skeptic?
Do you know any skeptics?
What do you believe in?
What things don't you trust?

I'm skeptical about...
Skeptical is...
My dad is skeptical about...
Skeptics are...
A skeptic...

I'm puzzled and perplexed
There is something I don't understand
I'm confused about...
Can you explain...
I don't understand...
I have a big question about...



Wednesday 22nd August

Daily Journal Writing

Plan - Do - Review

What did you do yesterday?
Two things I worked on yesterday are...

Review - How well did you focus? What did you learn?
I worked well because...
I learnt that...
I used my time (well - poorly) because

What will you do today?
What will you focus on?
How will you work better?
What do you need to finish?

Today I will...(focus on - finish - improve)

Tuesday 21st August

Daily Journal Writing

Plan - Do - Review

What did you do yesterday?
Two things I worked on yesterday are...

Review - How well did you focus? What did you learn?
I worked well because...
I learnt that...
I used my time (well - poorly) because

What will you do today?
What will you focus on?
How will you work better?
What do you need to finish?

Today I will...(focus on - finish - improve)

Interest Words
skeptical - perplexed

How do you say these words?
What do they mean?
Start an interest word page in your journal

Good Bye Abdullah - you were so fast!

Today Journal Writing - 5 minutes

One thing I worked well on yesterday...

Something I learnt yesterday...

Today I'm going to...

10 am - Gymnastics
Rain Writing - cut and paste the sentences you like most + add some more of your own.

Room 4 Rain Writing
This is just 10 minutes work!
Well done everyone.

I took your writing ideas and typed them up.

Next step:

  • You have a copy of these ideas all typed up
  • Work with one or two buddies from your table group
  • Choose the sentences and ideas you like the most 
  • Cut them out and put them in an order that works well
  • Create your own Rain Poem / Writing
  • Stick them down on an A4 paper
  • Add some more of your own ideas to build on the ones you select
  • Add colour and illustrations


Rain is tiny drops of water that fly down to earth.
Rain makes me feel angry.
Kids love rain because they can splash in puddles.
Rain makes me feel like a frozen ice berg.
Rain is heavy when more clouds come to spit out water.
Hobos hate rain.
The puddles are like mini rivers.
Rain is the sky crying because it is sad or angry.
The rain is God sweating.
The rain makes me feel cool just like ice.
When it rains the flowers grow.
The rain made a huge lake on the court.
When it rains my heart starts pumping because I'm scared it will flood.
When I am angry the rain makes me feel comfortable.
When it rains all the water comes together and forms a puddle as big as a swimming pool.
Rain is water from a sea that goes into a cloud and comes back down where it can make puddles.
Rain makes us wet.
God's crying when it rains.
Rain is annoying and stupid.
When it rains the trees grow bigger.
When it rains it makes me feel like I'm a frog jumping into a pond.
When the rain falls it makes the earth super wet.
When it rains farm animals have to go for cover.
When it rains the scoop gets flooded and we get to make boats and sail them.
Rain is good duck shooting weather.
I don't like the rain. It makes me feel all dirty inside.
Because of the rain I can't play outside.
I hate the rain.
Ducks like the rain because they get to jump in puddles.
When it rains it makes a sea in our school.
Rain is water that comes from the sky.
Rain is like thin bits of metal.
Rain makes me feel cold, shivering and wet.
The rain makes good rugby puddles!
When it rains it makes the flowers grow up.
When it rains hard it makes a big flood.
Rain is see through.
It's like tears falling from the sky.
Rain is like icy tear drops.
The rain makes me feel cold like I'm frozen in the middle of an iceberg.
Rain makes the ground slippery.
It makes car wheels slide around and some shops are closed.
The rain is good for the flowers.
When it rains so much our driveway becomes a treacherous adventure to walk down.
Rain is like a giant crying.
The rain makes me feel like an ice block.
When it rains so much it makes me feel like the rain is ruling the world trying to overtake it!
When it rains it makes the mud really sticky for rugby.
Rain makes lawn mowing a nightmare!
When it rains I feel like King Neptune sitting on top of a rock in the middle of the vast blue ocean with a cool salty breeze tugging at my hair.
The rain madly hammers on my roof making enormous puddles with the wind howling like a wolf.
When it rains so much I get scared that I will never be able to go outside again!
Rain is cold and wet.
Rain can make lakes.
The rain makes me feel like I am in a cold shower.
After the rain the grass grows.
The rain makes me feel down and unhappy.
I feel frustrated when it rains.
Rain falling is part of the water cycle.
After a while the water soaks into the ground.
Rain comes from the sky.

11 am - 12:30Literacy - Gracie please can you help to organise who is working on what.  Your job today is to help everyone take turns on the computers and ipads so that as much writing as possible is saved on the dropbox and added to our ebooks.  (Don't be bossy! Be helpful to explain how to get writing from dropbox into an ebook)

What do I need to do?

  1. Complete your descriptive writing
  2. Type it up - take turns on the computers
  3. Save it in dropbox - Think about the file name you give your writing
  4. On the iPad copy your writing from dropbox into your group ebook

When I'm finished I'll do:
  • Contract work
  • Own reading
  • Own choice writing
  • Learning Journal work
1:30 - Assembly

2 pm - Cut up all the pictures, words and colours you need for your Olympic podium. 

No drilling or hammering today - ok?

Wednesday 15th August

Journal Thinking - Write the date - Finish the sentence

One thing I worked well on yesterday...

Something I learnt yesterday...

Today I'm going to...

Ride Home
Dressed like a "Red Knight" ready to do battle, I head off into the dark.  The rain is heavy now and my protective shell fights off the wet to keep me dry inside.  In the dim cone of light from my bike the rain looks like miniature lightening rods shooting down from the sky. Droplets bouncing. Puddles splashing and spraying water in all directions as my wheels speed along the road. Going faster now. The cold raindrops sting my face like ice needles. Cheeks cold, legs hot, brain clear and thinking.  I love my ride home in the cold pouring rain. I'm dry inside my suit of red as I do battle with the elements.

Your turn - collaborative writing - choose one

Rain is...

Rain is like...

The rain makes me feel...

When it rains...


In Room 4 we are learning to develop independent learning habits for life.

Being a good at Learning is about:
trying our best
learning from mistakes
asking questions
being focused on a task
helping each other
being honest
thinking about our work and how well we have done

How do we show these things?
How do you show these things?

Tidy desk before 9am - personal responsibility
Book shelves kept tidy by the boys - responsibility to earn the right to use the computers

New Morning Routine

  • Class Roll - everyone on the mat - 
  • Go to your desk - morning learning journal - thinking about our learning
  • Detail sheet - listening, sharing, taking turns, asking questions
  • Morning word study / work book activity - fast focused

Learning Journal
14 August 2012

Three things that I will try my best on today are

Work Book
Handwriting Task - taking pide in our work

Learning focus:
Sharp pencil
Letters on the line
Letters half size

Ready focused and finished on time

Olympic History Animation

Here is a short history of the Olympics and some significant events in its modern history.

Why am I showing you this animated film?
Get any ideas about anything?

What did you find out or learn from watching ?

Being an Olympian

What does it take to get to the Olympics?
What does it take to be an Olympian?
What does it take to compete?
What does it take to win?
What does it feel like to reach your goal?
What does it feel like when you fail?

Make notes
Jot down your ideas into your learning journal as you watch this film

We will use these ideas to help us plan our podium sculpture.

Away Today

Good Morning Everyone

I'm not at school today because my son, Felix, has been quite sick.  I'm taking him to the doctors this morning.

Use the blog to help you organise your day.  I bet you can do it.

TODAY - August 9th
Angus - Can you please call the roll and tell the office who is away - THANK YOU

Gracie - Can you please read the detail sheet - get the office to print it off for you - THANK YOU

Fraser + Buddy - Can you please read out the rest of this blog so that everyone knows what's happening today - Remember to tell everyone about the guest speaker who is coming this afternoon.

Yea Rin - After the news can you organise a game of "ankle biters" or another game PLEASE


Maths - Dear Maths Class,
I'm at home looking after my sick son today.
You have one last chance to finish off your house design ready for voting on tomorrow.
If your house is finished then you could make a few items of furniture to really impress possible voters.

Morning Tea

What do I need to do - Reading - Writing - Contract - You decide the order
Make a list of who will use the computer and for how long.
20 minutes each then give someone else a turn.

Silent Reading + adding new and interesting words to your book

Descriptive Writing - 

  • Who needs to finish drafting their writing? - Aria
  • Who needs to finish typing up on the computer? - Buster, Abdullah
  • Who needs to print off what you have typed and buddy edit? - Luke
  • Who needs to finish buddy editing? Charles, Sarah D, Ellie, Tayler


  • Illustrate these words - nouns, verbs, adjectives
  • Fix the sentence
  • Sentence detective
When you are finished
  • Own writing
  • Journal writing
Please tidy up Room 2 before 12:30 so that it is ready for the speaker at 1:30pm.
Guest Speaker in Room 2
At 1:30 pm today we have a guest speaker in Room 2, a scientist from Switzerland.
Professor Emmanuel Tsesmelis is a Physicist at an underground research facility called CERN.  He does experiments to find out about what atoms are made of. He does this by crashing tiny particles smaller than atoms towards each other at speeds close to the speed of light!   

Take your leraning journal and make some notes, draw some pictures to show your thinking about what you discover.

If you have time finish framing your Olympic Rings painting

PS.  I might call you during the day - Have fun

All About Gold

The pictures and designs on the Olympic medals are symbolic of some big ideas.
Read the information below and take a close look at the medals.

The story behind the medal

The Olympic medals’ circular shape is a metaphor for the world. 
The front of the medal always has the same imagery at the Summer Games – the Greek Goddess of Victory, Nike, stepping out from the Parthenon to arrive in the Host City.

The design for the reverse features five symbolic elements:
- The curved background implies a bowl similar to the design of an amphitheatre
- The core emblem is an architectural expression, a metaphor for the modern city, and is deliberately jewel-like.   
- The grid suggests both a pulling together and a sense of outreach – an image of radiating energy that represents the athletes’ efforts.  
The River Thames in the background is a symbol for London and also suggests a fluttering baroque ribbon, adding a sense of celebration.  
- The square is the final balancing motif of the design, opposing the overall circularity of the design, emphasising its focus on the centre and reinforcing the sense of ‘place’ as in a map inset.

Medal specification

- The London 2012 Olympic medals weigh 375-400g, are 85mm in diameter and 7mm thick.
- The gold medal is made up of 92.5% silver and 1.34% gold, with the remainder copper (a minimum of 6g of gold).
- The silver medal is made up of 92.5% silver, with the remainder copper.
- The bronze medal is made up of 97.0% copper, 2.5% zinc and 0.5% tin.
The precious ore for the medals has been supplied by London 2012 sponsor Rio Tinto and was mined at Kennecott Utah Copper Mine near Salt Lake City in America, as well as from the Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia. For the small amount of non-precious elements that make up the bronze medals, the zinc was sourced from a mine in Australia as well as from recycled stock, while the tin originates from a mine in Cornwall.

  • How does knowing about the meaning of the medal design help us with our class projects?
  • What does it take to earn gold?
  • What does it mean to win gold?
  • What does it mean to the athlete? the country? other people?
  • We will brainstorm words and ideas to help us with our medal and Olympic podium construction

Medal Results

Here are the medals we have earned so far.
Can you read this table?

If you work out the medal tally based on number of medals for the number of people in each country - New Zealand's results are impressive.

Take a look at this table.