
Olympic Stop Motion video

Learning Journal

Something I did yesterday was...

What I learnt from this was...

Today I'm planning to...

I'm so skeptical of anything my dad says these days, he's always playing tricks on me.  

The other day he said that goldfish only have a three second memory and that's why they don't mind being in a small round fish bowl.  The goldfish swims around the bowl and by the time it gets back to the same spot, three seconds have passed. "I haven't been here before," the goldfish thinks.

I don't believe what he says anymore.  At the weekend I was making a face about not eating some cabbage and then he says, "don't pull your face for too long or the wind will change and then you'll be stuck looking like that!"

He said that he'd met an alien and that he'd  been for a ride in a UFO.  I'm so skeptical of my dad.  He said I was so skeptical that I might need to get my eyes checked to see if I needed to have skepticals.  What are are skepticals?

Use the brainstorm ideas to create a poem or another piece of writing about something you don't believe.  Give a reason or explain why.

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