
In Room 4 we are learning to develop independent learning habits for life.

Being a good at Learning is about:
trying our best
learning from mistakes
asking questions
being focused on a task
helping each other
being honest
thinking about our work and how well we have done

How do we show these things?
How do you show these things?

Tidy desk before 9am - personal responsibility
Book shelves kept tidy by the boys - responsibility to earn the right to use the computers

New Morning Routine

  • Class Roll - everyone on the mat - 
  • Go to your desk - morning learning journal - thinking about our learning
  • Detail sheet - listening, sharing, taking turns, asking questions
  • Morning word study / work book activity - fast focused

Learning Journal
14 August 2012

Three things that I will try my best on today are

Work Book
Handwriting Task - taking pide in our work

Learning focus:
Sharp pencil
Letters on the line
Letters half size

Ready focused and finished on time

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